Posting cost a lot of time for me, because I need to translate it all, and thinking in English is a bit more difficult then in ;)
So that's the reason that i'm not posting that often anymore. I still have a lot so show you.
I'm not sitting still...;):)
First my stitching pieces are as good as done..

* The owl FINISHED.... yeahhhhh...
* Santa Margaret Sherry FINISHED..... yyyeeaaahhhhh (need to stitch part 2 now)
* Christmas SAL part 2 FINISHED..... yeah =))))))))
Yes I'm good on track... I just got my next part in my mailbox.. So I can stitch it this weekend. I'm not picking up any new stitch pieces... I'm working on so many things right now, That I first need to finish most of it... so next weeks not much stitching update I think ( or I need to find some so CUTE =)))) )
My Pumpkin pie... is so cute... I couln't let it wait to long... So find some fabric and finished it off in to my FIRST Pin pillow

I love it it's so cute.... (PS I'm crocheting orange pumpkins so no worry everthing is going to be white)
A few months back my SIL asked me to make her a playcloth, so she could give it to her best friend who was pregnant, last week she gave birth to a baby-girl, So I can show the picture here

DH loves it so much.. he wanted to keep it for Kira.. So I thought when Kira has a big bed I will make her a sheet or a plaid like this. ( more plans :(( )
Also this week we baked cupcakes.... A colleague of Dh had her B-day and also a colleague of mine.. so Noah and I started baking for them... because they wouldn't want a gift, and I can't come empty handed

Then today we went to the ZOO in Rotterdam... In the middle of the netherlands.. Together with a friend we had a great day

This morning we had a lot of rain, but after 11.00 o clock it was dry and stay that way... teh whole afternoon we had sunshine and it was a great weather... we have seen a lot of animals... I made one cute and beautifull movie of a swimming turtle (the only one I made.. I forgot :(: ).. you need to see it
It's great... on teh back ground you hear al kinds of people talking.. but seeing that turtle is so beautifull
So that's it for today
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
♥ Have a great day ♥