It's so great that you came to my little blog and read the blablablabla I write..;)
I finished the last few stitches I had left on Love Birds a Pattern from the lovely Vinniey at Sometimes I stitch
Thank you Vinniey for this beautifull pattern
Then my black stitching.
Last year there where a lot of birth's... So this year a lot of first birthday's
Mostly I always make a bib for first birthday for f a few I have something other in my mind..
But here the first two starts of a bib!!
The first is for a little cute baby, and his father loves robots, So which robot is cuter dan Wall-E from Disney.
If you have never seen Wall-E you need to do it, also if your have no kids or your kids are big... It so fun to see:-)... When I heard off the movie, I tought is was a bad movie, but after looking too it for a few minutes I was melting!!!
But look at his cute face..........
The second black stitch will be a girlie girlie... Who don't love Hello Kitty!!!!
When Kira is a bit bigger she also will get Hello Kitty stitching and crochet pieces!!!:)
Then my Award, the lovely Buzzy-Bumblebee gave me this lovely award.
The last time I gave a award too:
* Chiloe
* Mylene
* Wendy
* Wendy
* Annie
This time will give them to 5 others:
*The very talented sweet Miek
*The sweet Nia
*The gifted sweet Carol
*The sweet Saskia (and also for her cute DD)
*The sweet petra
(another time again 5 other will be getting there turn)
Now I need to tell somthings about me!!!
hihihihihihi... I'm very boring :):):):):)
* The last time I had a beautifull baby boy, now I have also a beautifull baby girl.
Here in the Netherlands we call that the wish of a king, to have a boy and a girl...
I can tell you the most important thing that they are healty
A boy and boy is great, a girl and a girl is great, a boy and a girl is also great.... But the greatest thing is that they are healty
And I hope they stay that way!!
* I have to many hobby's (read addictions). Just started crochte a few months ago and ow... where is the time to make all those lovely patterns..
Every night I need to choose what to do....
Is there potion, so I can divided me in four pieces and can do every thing every night????
* Behind every great women is a great man!!!they say :))
I have such a sweet boyfriend!!! I cal hem DH, but we aren't married, it's easier in writing;)
oops.... that's my big no secret..
I don't now what I can tell you more... I have told you about the three (four) things I love the most in my life.
Ow I forgot blogging and blog friends!!!!
If you want something else to know... let me know!!!!
Then I want your advice!!!
Soon I have a chic party, and I got the cutest birthgift dress for Kira a few weeks ago, and I love if she wears it, but it has no sleeves.
This week went to the city to buy a bolero... but not any store had one, So I'm going to make one, but which color will I use??
What do you think...
Look at this cute dress (sorry for the bad photo, I never can get red beautifull in a pic)
So that's it for tonight
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
♥ Have a great day ♥
PS something happends to my pics....
12 opmerkingen:
wat een leuke borduurdingen ben je weer aan het maken.
het is echt ongelooflijk wat je allemaal doet.
ik zou een wit bollerootje maken omdat ze anders wel heel rood wordt.
en de nadruk zou op het jurkje moeten liggen, dat is echt een schatje.
Annette, ik ben met Miek eens - WIT!
en om de andere kleuren laten terugkomen gebruik hetzelfde lint als op het rokje
Doe maar een witte Annette.....
Ben er ff snel via de router van de buurman, maar wordt er ook regelmatig uitgeknikkerd,grrrrr
Liefs, Saskia
A cute finish and ohhh and such a lovely lovely dress you've made. I do agree with above suggestions and go with WHITE.
I so wish too, to have more extra time for hobbies maar helaas...wordt nog drukker op het werk! Betekent...heel moe dus GEEN zin meer voor borduren!
Congratulations on the award! Beautiful black stitching, Annette! Especially love the Hello Kitty. I younger daughter love this cute little cat too. She have many Hello Kitty collection. I can't wait to see the finishing.
As for the bolero to match this cute little beautiful dress, I suggest white color; or white with a touch of red. I'm glad you love the "Love Birds" pattern. :)
Happy stitching and crocheting.
Weeral heel mooie, leuke dingetjes.
Hier kennen we dat ook, de Koningswens :) maar gezondheid is inderdaad hét belangrijkste!
Lovely little birds!! So cute =)
Oh!! I L-O-V-E Wall-E!!! :D
Have you seen this ? The post is not in english :p It was a gift from Rui, when I saw the movie I was totally in love with it =) Today, Wall-E is on my desk :D
You're stitching big-head-Kitty ;) heheheh
Thank you for the award sweetie =))
"Wish of a king" that's pretty :)
You're not married? Neither are we! hahaha one more thing in common ;)
Adorable little dress, Kira will look so pretty!! :D
humm.. I would go with white, it will look lovely and you can use it with more clothes in the future ;)
If you'd like, you can make a cute felt flower (in red) and pin it. It's easy to use and remove, next time you can add something else in another color ;)
A few ideas with tutorial:
. » this one is small and so cute!
oh well, there's a million more on the web ;) hehehe I was just giving ideas :)
Those bibs look great so far, Annette!
I'm noy married either...and my boyfriend and I call each other husband and wife :P
As everyone has suggested ...for the dress, I would go with a white bolero.
Oh, that is so sweet of you to award my blog, Annette :) I'm glad you enjoy visiting me--I always am happy to visit yours, too. You always amaze me with all of all you create in spite of having two darling children to care for and a job to do!
Your little love birds are so cute--a pink one for you and Kira and a blue one for Noah and your DH :)
I think Kira will be the best-dressed girl in The Netherlands with all the cute clothes she has. I'd go with a white bolero as well...
Hope you are having a great week!
I just love seeing all your cross-stitch projects. I keep intending to get back into cross-stitch, but I get so busy working on my crochet and knitting projects, that I never seem to have the time. But I'm putting that "love" project on my list to make, that is just too cute! :)
Wat ben je weer lekker druk geweest en wat ziet alles er weer mooi uit.
Ik zou ook wit nemen en om dezelfde reden als hierboven beschreven.
Veel succes Annette met het maken van de bolero.
Groetjes Marion
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