What a hot weather!!! Tooooooooooo hot for me, I only wanne swim so doo Noah, He loves playing in his swimming pool. I bought a new one because the one I got last year was broken. This time we have one with a duck that sprays water from his mouth. Noah loves it... everything will be wet nearby :-).
We started on the babyroom, I love to have it finished by the end of the month, and then I have several months to put lovely stuff here and there.....
Tomorrow morning we are going to paint the walls and at the end of the week do the floor..so much to do.
I haven't stitch much on Panda Days, I finished the water, which is only half stitches after a while I needed to think how to do a full crosses...hihi
My best friend has given birth to a beautifull son, the Permin bears I made for her she loved and I also made a little bleu bunny

11 opmerkingen:
Your little panda is coming along nicely. This is such a sweet design. The blue bunny is adorable and makes such a handy gift too!
Hello ,Dear Annette!
The cute Panda design is really "my style" of stitching,the colours are so sweet! :)
It is very hot here too and it is told on TV that it will be even more warmer next week!!O_O
The swimming pool is truly needed,isn't it?!
It's hot here too. Almost too hot to stitch, but I keep going!
The panda looks sweet and the bunny is a cutie.
Lucky Noah with a special pool!
Panda wip is coming along and the bunny is so cute.
Must have been wonderful to see all those bike riders.
Have a good week. Hugs.
ja meis het is warm , ook teveel voor mij ! Je kleine panda is super mooi !:)
The little panda is coming along great and that's a very cute bunny for your friend.
Goodluck with working on the baby room.
panda ziet er goed uit! En inderdaad, veel te warm, gelukkig vandaag toch wat koeler
Proficiat met je zwangerschap!!
Mooie vorderingen aan je Panda, hij is echt heel lief.
Het is hier ook al verschrikkelijk warm geweest, voor mij ook een beetje te veel van het goede. Zelfs om te naaien buiten, was het wat te warm.
Huge congratialtions on your prenancy.
The panda is so cute I shall look forward seeing this one progress.
Hope you enjoyed the pancakes
Happy Stitching Hugs Shellie x
Hey lief schoonzussie,
Was je site even kwijt maar heb hem weer gevonden!! Ziet er allemaal super uit! Mooi die overkapping in de tuin!
Ben trots op jou!!!!!!
Tot over twee weekjes!
Liefs ikke
Congratulations on your pregnancy. Beautiful progress on Panda and looking forward to see the next progress. :)
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