Today it's Mothersday in the Netherlands. My opinion of Mothersday is that a child gifs something he made at school or with his father... Dh had the night-shift so he bought me beautifull roses:

And made me a delicious brunch. Noah gave me a big kiss that was enough for me...hihi
First my chickens are finally done. I'm doubting about the fabric that I will use to make it in a duvet cover. On the pictures you can see I have put some other fabric 's there.

I love the green baby feet fabric, but I think it's better to make a separate sheet of it. So I was looking for some fabric and saw the white with little green dots. And I like that for it...
What is you Opinion? I have made a poll on the right PLEASE HELP me with my choice
I finshed the second side of the gift play cube:

Also I stared the third side:

There so fun too stitch, i'm thinking of making a crib blanket of the pattern too....
Then I'm also busy on a present for my godchild Adam who is having his first birthday on Friday:

A little preview.
But I'm will make something more but can't think of something.
So what will I give a boy that turns 1 and have already many toys and clothes....Somebody has a idea???? I Have't got many time and I run out of white threads for my sewing machine so needs to wait till tomorrow... I have a idea, but would like too know what for idea's you have.....
This morging we went to my stepmom to gif here a mothersday gift and this was what Noah wanted to took with him:

He made this lovely painted piece for each grandmother for Mothersday:

I wrote on it 'For the sweetest Grandma Love Noah'. She loved it, as did the other Grandma's..
I wish everyone a lovely Mothersday and enjoy the attention..
Thanks for visiting me and leaving a commennt I love getting them and reading them...