Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes for Kira's birthday.
We / she had a lovely day.
Last friday was the kids party.
Some of you where very curious.. so let me show you what we all did.
First I wanne show a big ball of yarn
Above Kira's part
Kira wanted to finger crochet a garland for her birthday, but after a meter it was hard to keep it up. So I promised Kira I would finish it, and as you see I did.
I hang it up together with some horse decoration we made togheter.
Can you see it, the small garland with the horses ?
It's so beautfull with the flag garland
* * *
For the kidsparty we wanted to paint plaster ( don't know if thats the good Englisch word)
So I made some mold
Here you can see them done
Mostly horses, but also a few dino's for her boy friend and a dolphin for Noah.
It didn't look much, so I made it all again
Then on Friday at 12.00 we picked up all the kids. Kira asked 6 kids (5 girls, 1 boy), 1 girl was sick, so could not come.
First kids wanted to give there presents
I put there names in a balloon, so Kira could pick on and read there names
It was a lot of fun!!!
Then started with eating pancakes that i baked that morning, sorry no pic of the pancakes
after kids where playing, so we cleaned it out and put the first craft on the table..
We painted a canvas, and the molds, I glued it all together.
And after about 30 minutes the first finished pieces came.
Some make much work of there painting.
I so love to see it.
With my piece I saw the glue attracted totally in the plaster, so my beautifull horse broke on the floor in 3 pieces :(
(hubby was very creative too.... left below)
They where all so beautifull.
We played a few games, and went on to the next craft
making a bracelet with your name, or just some letters. What the kids wanted to make
I made one for me with both kids there name in it
After that we did somemore games, I printed out all kids of paper for coloring.
Then the party was on his end.
Kids and us had a blast.
* * *
The that evening it was time to cook for the big party on Saterday.
I don't have pic's of all the food.
But most I have
I made 2 apple-pie's
stuffed eggs
Big quiche of veggies and bacon
Quiche of leek and shoarma
I also made tomato with mozzarella, a salad, stewed pears.
For the kids hotdog.
I also did one bad thing....... I ordered a cake ... yes I did..
But it was a very pretty one
A mother at school bakes cakes, in what you want.
I asked purple, pink, frozen, unicorn and horses.
And look what she made!!! ♥
Kira was so happy with it
I always have a pic of the whipcream of the cake, but as I ordered the cake, we still had to make whip-cream.. also very yummy in coffee and on the apple pie.. hihihi
Kira had two awesome days.
She is spoiled rotten
Yesterday all day she was playing with her new toys, crafting he new crafts.
It was a great weekend!!!!!
* * *
Today the kids had a extra day off of school, so we went away to a swimming pool
It was awesome
Hope you all have a great weekend! :)
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
♥ Have a great day ♥