Between working, school activities, sporting, cleaning, spending time with the kids my days are full.
The time to craft and read blogs is ...........
Today I started to be up-to date with my blogloving (again), almost done.
At which moment, time started to really be to short to do something???
But in the spare time, I did some fun crafting for Xmas and baby's
Here you can see the 3 projects that I have been working on for weeks!!
I love crochet, but not to put it all togheter, it was terrible.. But I made it ;))
My little Christmas Navivity
It's looking so cute, I was very fast with my picture, its good that I did that, because Kira play's with it all the time.
Only the donkey is not yet finished, It needs hair, but I'm out of black yarn, before next Christmas it will be finished , I hope also with a shepherd, and maybe some more sheeps and ..........
The other project, is rudolph the red nose reindeer.
Only I made a little mistake with reading the pattern
Now working on the antlers.
But as you can see the nose is way way way to big. The white part of the nose is 7 rows to big, I changed the brown part as that was 7 rows to short, and after I put it on teh head I saw the white also was 7 rows to big.
It looks like pinokkio.... :O
From the front its a lovely Reindeer, but from the side... hihihihihi =)))))
The antlers...
* ♥ *
In our dinertable lamp I put some branches and christmas light, and asked the kids to decorate it.
I think you can tell which are from Kira, and which are from Noah..hihihi
I haven't took a picture of it will try to do tomorrow.
Do you have a Christmas 'tree' with horses in it??? no?? I do.. ;))
Then our Christmas tree.. Mommy why all white.. because mommy likes it, and I will not get crazy off al the colors after a few day's we have small living,a nd when it's full of colors, I will climb of the walls after 5 days.. .. :")
I made this for my front window, a bit Frozen, as I saw it in the store we went a few weeks back
But just like every year at the dansschool from Kira they have a master big tree
So a picture there, and kids where happy again.
It's time to show some yummy yummy on the blog again.
Last week I got a bag, and when I opened it.. yummy mussels.
Not Noah, but the rets of us all love them. Kira. who can't get enough of them..They where so yummy
My friend gave birth of her fourth cute little baby boy.
And that needed a lovely gift
The baby room is ochreous/grey, so the gift had to be that color
I made a little tag with his name in it.
She was very happy, so happy, that in the evening I got a picture of the little baby with the cuddle and the question if I want to make another one.
As its so cute to make, I made another one
I shown the picture to a other friend, who told me she was organize a babyshower, asked me to make a pink one.
Here I put a little tag on with the name I use for sell crafts. I still have no tags or something like that, but this was fun to make.
I love these little baby cuddle, almost makes my ovary rattle... almost!!
♥ * ♥
Tomorrow my BIL gave his birthday party, and as I didn't know what to gave, he asked my to make my apple pie he always loves.
It's done in the oven, and calling to be eaten...
I need to be strong
* ~~ *
Last week Noah had his exam for Judo.
He managed to get his green slip
We are so proud of him.
Tomorrow he has another tournament. We can't wait. it's the first time I can see it, last time I had to work. So great to see him.
I wanne wish you all a great weekend
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!
♥ Have a great day ♥