Are you also having such beautifull weather??????
No... come to Europe... I'm loving this weather...
sun > warm > more sun > a lot of sun ;)))))
The kids are havening so much fun playing outside..
Noah playing with different friends, whole day's long this weekend.. ;P
He was such a happy boy..
So glad it's Spring...=))))
And Kira... lol... here we say.. she looks a cat out of the tree.. I don't now if it's says something to you... but in Dutch it means shy/waiting/a bit afraid..
Today I saw nothing of that
Look at a beautifull collage I made of them

Not only kids a loving it.. also me and my plants...
I'm seeing so much green in my garden.. and even a few purple/pink flowers
Can't wait till the whole garden is green again and full with flowers and birds/butterfly's

Then inside, the Easter is coming..
I'm trying to put only handmade decorations this year.. it's hard because my crafting skill are not that fast.. but it's getting there..
I wanne make a few more things and rest will be for next year...
Aachen and Cologne (Aken en Keulen) aren't build in one day... ( also something we say here)..

.. Remember the chicken???
I made it last year.. this week I gave it a nest and some eggs.. it are different eggs.. I was trying out patterns...
One I like.. wanne try and make a few more..
Every year I get Easter branches from my best friend.. last year I didn't wanted to asked again, so I put one branche in the garden ... :P
And just before cutting it it was 4 metre high.. so I have a beautifull big Easter tree of my own this year..
With only one crochet Easter egg hanging it it...
I will make a few more.. and also the rest will be for next year...
In my hallway there are a piece from Barbara Ana I made last year.
And the cute framed egg I got from Miek, I tought last year, but also can be the year before that.. I forgot (sorry)
I have more stuff.. but it's lost in the attic.. when the attic is done I will find it again
I started a new Easter stitch piece..
Another Lizzie Kate pattern..
I also started another Lizzie Kate pattern and crochet pattern... but more of that in my next post..
I have on pic left..
A duplo picture..
Don't look at Noah clothing again.. it was a sunday and he wanted to where the same as Kira.. For DH I didn't gave them both a

I wanne give a warm welcome to my new visiters/followers..
Feeling a bit a blushed that your liking my blog :$ :$....
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!