I had another try to sell somthing..... on 2 different days.
That also a reason I was so busy, because I was making some new things.
Not all I can show, because one of the new items is also a Sinterklaas gift, but the other things I can show
I made a few more hairpins and boy's cars.
Also tryed out a bow of a hairpin, but that's a work in progress...lol I made 6 CUTE cupcakes, I love them so much... and PINK... who wouldn't love them...
I made another Christmas swing, and some Christmas tree hangings
And made one more heart.. they are now hanging here, teh white on in my living, teh others on Kira her room
Everybody liked what I made, but nowone bought something :(:(.... oke that a bit of a lie... I sold 2 hairpins....lol..=))))))))(in 2 days..) But I had a lot of fun...
The first day I did got a order for a b-day garland, and on the second day a order for my new item..
While sitting there and standig there and sitting again and drinking a lot of tea, especially on the second day because it was so cold, so we drunk a lot of tea to keep warm... 2 euro for a paper cup of hot water... never doing that again... but because of the cold you want it... my botlles of cold water wasn't enough...lol..
The first day I did it togeheter with a colleague of DH who sold jewelry, and on the second day a colleague of mine who sold perfume..
Both days we had a great day... and while being there I crochet a bit on Kira's blanket... you remember that on... it's now a bit larger, 36 granny squares Kira her little hand...=)))))))
Look at how big it is getting.... Today I used it again when I was walking with Kira and Noah... Noah walks but Kira still sit ( but for how long...she love climming on the stairs) so put her blanket on her... lol... she likes the colors!!I hope this winter to make it big enough for het bed....
Then look at what the postwomen brought!!Don't look at the bad picture.. It is getting very fast dark here..
Dear sweet and talented Miek, made me a knitted donut... al kinds of PINK colors, with a brown bottum..
Miek thank you so much..
You all need to go and take a look at her blog (in Dutch)... She paints stitching fabric... and she can do that so beautifully.
She has done it for years, and know started it again after a breake...
Look out... you will fall in love.=))))))
That's it for today
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!