woensdag 30 maart 2011
Pooh is done :) !!

donderdag 24 maart 2011
What a lovely weather!!
Then I finally finally finished off my Bumba pillow..
Noah loves it and so do I :)
My first ever pillow what do you think of it!!
Kira is making so many sounds at the moment, this week at on evening a whole hour.. it is so beautifull to listen to it. So are you all sitting down, I made a short movie of it and your going to melt...
I hope it works!!!
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!
I love reading them!!

zaterdag 19 maart 2011
Wonderfull gift, update pooh and chicken and kids!!
And when I opend the box, this beauty came out of it:
I can't tought it to much, carefull for the picture hang it on my memobord...
It has the beautifull name Kira, so i wanna find a place on Kira's room where I can hang it...
♥Nia Thank you so much.. I love her.. It's really a beautifull gift, can't thank you enough...
Here a update on my sampler:
Then the chicken
The pattern is very difficult for a starting crocheter as me, but trying and trying ... What also difficult is that the pattern is full of mistakes...
This afternoon Noah was very quiet suddenly, He told me whent looking by Kira who was in the perambulator..Look at what I found
That was it for tonight, going to watch some TV I cute my finger real bad, so no crafting for me for a few days
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!I love reading them!!

maandag 14 maart 2011
To many things to show
But I havn't sat still, so here comes my work!!
First the cute little frog, it was a suprise for Mylene, to cheer her up.
She has some beautifull pictures of it on her blog!!
She always make such beautifull things, and I love having her as a blogfriend.
She has send me many lovely gift with such beautifull finishes, mostly with beads.
So I wanna try to do it too.
For a first time it isn't bad!!
Back in January I was working on a little piece for a quilt als a cheer up for someone with a very sick husband.
She recieved the quilt and this is my part in it
(I did not made this quilt only the stitching piece) I so love how they finsihed it up as a quilt.
She was totally in love with it, and send me a beautifull gift to say thank you (forgot to take a picture). At the moment is going very good with her husband thankfully
My beautifull granny blanket is progressing slowly, but I love it. A picture of the front and the back=) So now make 3 more squares of 16 granny's together and it's done for now I think.
But it's going aside because I found something beautifull to make on this blog. Went looking for the pattern in the magazine and this is my start of the chicken so far Not much yet,but hope to finish it before Easter!!
Then a love photo of my beautifull orchid, almost al the flowers are in bloom I have some beautifull pics made of the kids
We wenr looking for ladybugs, Noah loved it
My little boy on a very very big horse
My Darling kids
If you look good you see curling in Kira her hair, every time when it's wet, it begins to
curl!!! I love it, but when it's dry they are gone..:(
I just got a phone call need to go... till next time.. bye bye
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!I love reading them!!
donderdag 3 maart 2011
New start finished, progress and granny's
Also have a progress update from my Pooh Birthsampler:
I wasn't satisfied about my first two granny that I made from here. At the blog from Bunny Mummy I saw such beautifull granny's, so looked through here blog to find how she made them and found it. So with the help of that link here is my new granny next to the old one
But what will I make of them.
When I was pregnant of Noah, I decided to make the room green, I've he was a girl wanted to do pink with green, and for boy green with blue, like his room is now getting slowly...
I also wanted a green knitted blanket, but had to much pain in my shoulders, so asked a previous patient with who I still have contact if she wanted to knit one for me. She was happy to do, and look at here little Kira has it on her bed now
At the blog from Attic24 (who makes such beautifull crochets blankets and other pieces) I found a way to put the granny's together as you go, as they call it!!
And look at what I made so far:
The last two day's it was such beautifull weather, I've been working in the garden , it's done now, now need to get rit of al the weed between my stones!
Noah loves to make pictures with the camera, mostly they are from the ceiling, couch or my legs, but this week he made a few of Kira and I love them so much, here i have one for you
That was all for today, enjoy the lovely weather, I hope too see the sun again tomorrow!!
I wanna thank everyone for visiting my blog and especially everyone who leaves a comment!!I love reading them!!