
And I started the July part
And started a surprise piece..
It's not an existing pattern but a pattern that is made from four patterns together and added more with it, not by my hand but by a very sweet lady.
So are you curious, keep looking here on my blog!!!
I love the fall, why?? then it's time for homemade apple-sauce: And stewed pears:
I so love love both, I make it about 2 or 3 times a week, yummy.
And when it's fall you need fall decoration.
So we went to the forest to collect: And then you get:
The smaller plate is standing in my hallway, and the big one with the lovely squirrel and dead flowers (need to get new ones...) on my diner table. In my front window I have to two vases full of them. The branches with the roses are now felted red/orange/brown leaves photo will follow next time. So love it when the house is so love decorated.
Then my sewing stuff!
I'm making a little stock of baby gifts, may there be many pregnancys when I gave birth I have something to give when I'm not in the mood the sew:For Noah's room I making more boys stuff
I made from thisThis:
Noah loves them, I wanne make 3 more, but first need to draw them, I'm thinking of a train, tractor and a boat or truck.
When the other 3 are done I will make up a little tutorial how I made them!!!
In the last few days I got so many ideas for Noah's room, WHERE is the time to make it.
Look at what the mailman brought, a big box: A box full with fabric I ordered:
And I think as a surprise for my big order They put in a sewing magazine, and found a beautifull knit fabric dress in it.
Love love love it, I wanne make it, but first need the right fabric for it..
So think I have written enough for this evening, see you soon
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