Beware long post many pictures
Thanks all for the better wishes for Noah, he is feeling great again, only he made me sick last week :-(. I was feeling so bad I haven't stiched a thing, after a few days I was feeling a bit better I stitched a bit on Bumbalu and this is my progress so far.

I hope to finished before Noah's birthday, but don't think I'm going to make that
Last weekend we had a wedding from a cousin of DH, and we made it in to a fun weekend. We went a day to soon because ortherwise we needed to get up very very urly to drive that far. So I was looking on the web for something fun to do and came across a Castle Park, it's a park with animals and children's farm and a playground. Noah had such a blast It was very safe for kids, so Noah could walk along, we bought a bag of food, and at each animal that was a sign of we could feed the animal. Here few photo's of Noah at the Park:

And at the playground:

He had so much fun watching all the animals and playing, what a fun to watch him. We went to the same hotel as last time, but a better room...hihihi
Our room was on the ground floor, so Noah had a lot of room to play with his Lego Duplo

The next day Dh and I went to the wedding and Noah to my SIL to play the whole day with Mika, he wanted that for weeks, was calling his name, so he didn't noted we whern't there. In the evening of the wedding we needed to wear black tie, look at us (don't look at ur faces, we can't laugh on pictures)

With my big belly...hihi and the dress fits perfect...
We had such a fun weekend so we stayed a day longer to help my SIL in the garden, but yesterday when we got home we where very tired.. after a good night sleep we feld better today...hihi
2 weeks ago I shouted at my sewing machine, it wasn't the first time so Dh was tired of it and I needed to bring it away to buy a new one (what I wanted for a lobg long long time) And yes I bought a new sewing machine. The men from the store was surprised my sewing machine was still a life, I have it for a year of 7 now, a learn how to sew, and sewed al kinds of fabric, but my sewing maching only could sew thin fabric, and NO jeans, I used a lot of jeans...So it was time, here a picture of my new machine (from the web)

The Brother Innov 50.
This I what I tryed with it today (I picked upthe sewing machine this morning in the store, it was finally there), it's totally diffent then my last seweing machine so it will take a while before I understand it but I'm so happy happy with it:

Can you see the little crocodile, Yes I have a sewing machine that sews crocodile... My last could only do backstitch and zigzag.. so a world is opening for me.
I showyou the pieces that I was making shouting on my old machine:

I so love it, it's hanging on Noah's room, but need to change it a bit on my NEW machine...
As you can see the name of my blog is changed. With googling I came across a website that was called wizzywear, and in the future I would like to start a little shop, so I can't use the name anymore then, I was feeling a bit depressed, I so love the name, but where ever a door is closed a window while open, so need to think of a new name and there is no probleme anymore... A new name... uuhmmmm
It's getting late, and the post is getting long so I'm going to stop.
Thanks all for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment