A update of my chickens:
Jippie jippie the suit's for the boys are done!!!
This afternoon I did the last stitch:
I'm so proud off myself that I made them...and I'm also glad they are done. What a work it was....
Because of the bad wheather en Noah who slept out till 09.30 AM we could not go to the queenday parade so we did lovely things inside.
We baked cookies again. I have some new shapes.
Noah loved it.
Noah is totally in love with ladybugs at the moment Here we call them "pimpampoentjes'. he can say pipapoentje....It's so funny.
So today we whent ladybug crafting too.:
More of that later....
Oww forgot too show a lovely picture of Noah his new apron.
It's a bit to big but very lovely and from Jamie Oliver... yes yes, it sat with the cookies shapes:
Thank you all so much for the compliments on my English...I was so glad reading them.
Also thank you all for visiting my blog and leaving a comment till next time....